SoDakSACA Leadership Retreat

2024 Annual OST Leadership Retreat

2024 Annual OST Leadership Retreat

April 18th – 20th

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota

Registration Form


2023 Annual OST Leadership Retreat

2023 Annual SoDakSACA Leadership Retreat

April 13-15, 2023

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota

2022 Annual OST Leadership Retreat

2022 Annual SoDakSACA Leadership Retreat

April 21-23, 2022

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota

2021 Annual OST Leadership Retreat

2021 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat

April 15 – April 18, 2021

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota

2019 Annual OST Director’s Retreat


2019 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat

April 11-13, 2018

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota


  • Nichelle Shaskus – Ohio Afterschool Network
  • Shauna Bruce-Hamburger – Personal Coach Divine Potential
  • Justine Kougl – Tour of Kindness

Download/View Registration Form (pdf)

Download/View Flyer (pdf)

2018 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2018 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat

April 5-7, 2018

Location: K Bar S, Keystone, South Dakota

2017 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2017 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat2017 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat

April 26, 27, and 28, 2017

2016 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2016 Annual SoDakSACA Directors Retreat

April 14-16, 2016 – K-Bar-S Lodge – Keystone, SD

Directors’ Retreat ‘Save the Date’
Retreat at a Glance
Registration Form

2015 Annual OST Director's Retreat

2015 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

April 16-18, 2015 – Keystone, SD

Director’s Retreat Save The Date!
Retreat at a Glance
Directors Retreat Registration Form

2014 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2014 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

This Retreat is sponsored by SoDakSACA.

Download 2014 Directors Retreat Registration Form (PDF)

Services in the spring of each year as a spring training enhancement to the annual fall SoDakSACA conference. OST directors and lead management staff attend the Retreat to network, re-energize, and learn new management and leadership skills. This conference provides a great opportunity for recruitment of new SoDakSACA members.

2008 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2008 OST Directors’ Retreat

Spearfish Canyon Lodge – Lead

The 2008 OST Directors’ Retreat was held April 10-11-12 at the Spearfish Canyon Lodge in the northern Hills. A snowstorm across South Dakota did deter some directors from attending, and did cause some delay in our first day’s presenter, but all in all the time spent at the Lodge was fantastic! On Thursday, attendees were treated to information about Love and Logic by Candy Kalil and a session on Character Education resources by the Spearfish School District’s school counselor. Our key presenter, Michael Ashcraft, didn’t disappoint with his session on The ABCs of Powerful, Purposeful, and Positive Programming!

Our closing session of the day featured Oxana Golden from the Afterschool Investments Project facilitating a discussion about Advocacy. Dinner that evening was held at Latchstring Inn, and featured a nice presentation by Marianne Freng about the statewide eyeglasses for Mexico’s Kids project.

Day 2 of the Retreat featured Jennifer Brevoort and Richard Keis, from the Center for Afterschool at Foundations, Inc. presenting their ‘Essentials’ training. Tonya Schoenfelder ended our day with ‘Tension Busters’, a session to help us learn the importance of relaxation in our lives. Day 3, again featured a session by Oxana Golden on Advocacy and Sustainability, along with a closing session by Tonya Schoenfelder titled “Have you seen my jumper cables?” which helped all of us ‘re-energize’ for another year.

Michael Ashcraft

Oxana Golden

Marieanne Freng

Jennifer Brevoort

Richard Keis

Tonya Schoenfelder

2007 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2007 OST Director’s Retreat

Ramkota RiverCenter – Pierre

Ana DeHoyos O’Connor

The 2007 OST Retreat “Links to Learning in Afterschool Programs” provided two full days of training by trainers from the National Institute on Out of School Time. The training focused on strategies school age programs can use to communicate and coordinate effectively with schools and parents about children’s learning, building on the latest research on engagement and motivation.

Dishon Mills

Included were discussions on communication & coordination with schools, family involvement, community partnerships, homework centers and tools for learning. Ana DeHoyos O’Connor from San Antonio, TX and Dishon Mills, Boston, NIOST trainers, provided a fun-filled and intensive learning experience. Our own South Dakota-born Cory Lichty, Brookings, provided the Tuesday evening keynote session.

2006 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2006 OST Director’s Retreat

Ramkota RiverCenter – Pierre

Michael Morrow

Nikki Grandpre, Miss SD

“Making a Difference for South Dakota’s Youth” was the theme of the 2006 Director’s Retreat, held at the Ramkota RiverCenter in Pierre March 29- 30, 2006. Main presenter the first day was Michael Morrow, Portland, OR who presented a variety of sessions, including working with challenging children, effective behavior management, and building moral children. Deb Bowman, Dept. of Social Services Secretary, provided a motivational luncheon keynote and Nikki Grandpre, Miss SD, presented on Internet Crimes Against Children after dinner, and also thrilled the crowd with a song and dance she performed at the Miss America pageant. The second and final day included a breakfast session with Carroll Forsch on Licensing Issues, Bridget Gothberg on Leadership Styles, Ellen Lee on Working with Children with Asthma, and Lisa Blake with a fun, ‘tools for the road’ session to re-energize the group for next year.

2005 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2005 OST Director’s Retreat

Cedar Shores – Chamberlain

Tracey Ballas

The 2005 Director’s Retreat was held April 3-5, 2005 at Cedar Shores Resort in Chamberlain, SD. “Polishing the Professional in You” was the theme, and did we ever! Robert Prentice kicked off the conference Sunday evening with a motivational talk on Effective Leadership, followed by a fun “Jeopardy Game” with all participants. Tracey Ballas, President & CEO of School-Age Notes, was our main presenter. Although Tracey arrived at the hotel late Sunday evening without her luggage, on Monday she provided us with a fun, full day of “Hire, Fire, and Inspire” sessions.

Tracey Ballas, President & CEO of School-age Notes, and afterschool training consultant from Ohio, presents to the SD OST directors outside on the east patio of Cedar Shores Resort overlooking the Missouri River due to the nice early April weather.

Evening sessions included Marcia Kozel, ‘Working with Generation X & Y’ and Candy Kalil “SD Pathways Project’. The conference-goers were able to visit the Akta Lakota museum that evening, or just sit back for some needed R&R. The final day of the conference included Tracey presenting on Advocacy and Professionalism; Susan Randall of SD Voices for Children as luncheon keynote; and several OST directors sharing their expertise on: Summer Planning Pizazz – Jan Stange; KidzLit/KidzMath – Linda Merkwan; Game, Fish & Park & Extension Resources – Brenda Robertson; Money, Marketing and More – Laura Dimock; and Accreditation – Nonie Watkins. Approximately 65 participants attended the two-day event this year.

2004 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2004 Director’s Retreat

Holiday Inn CitiCenter – Sioux Falls

“Effective Management in Out of School Time:

Ellen Clippinger

Molly McNally-Dunn

A Director’s Retreat” was held April 19- 21, 2004 in Sioux Falls. Training consultants from the National Institute on Out of School Time, Ellen Clippinger and Molly McNally-Dunn, provided two days of management training to approximately 65 participants.

Some of the topic sessions included: Laying the Groundwork for Change, Building a Strong Staff, Applying the Standards/Program Improvement, and Research and Management. Round table sessions on the 2nd day were a highlight of the two-day event, as they helped directors with specific issues on topics of interest to them.

2003 Annual OST Director’s Retreat

2003 Director’s Retreat

Ramkota RiverCenter – Pierre

Molly McNally-Dunn

The very first OST Director’s Retreat titled “Leadership Institute” was held in Pierre April 7-8, 2003. Training consultants from the National Institute on Out of School Time, Tracey Ballas from Ohio and Molly McNally-Dunn from Colorado, provided two days of leadership training for school-age directors. Sessions included:

Tracey Ballas

Elements of a Quality SAC Program; Human Relationships; Safety, Health, and Nutrition; Activities & Scheduling; and Environments.

Several times throughout the two-day session, participants were able to do group and team-building activities. After arriving in Pierre by plane, arrangements were made to transport Tracey and Molly to Rapid City so they could tour Mt. Rushmore the day before our event. Tracey claimed she had never seen anything like the faces at Mt. Rushmore, and was so glad to have been invited to South Dakota!


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