South Dakota
SD 21st Century Community Learning Centers This site links you to the Dept. of Education’s 21st CCLC program, lists training and resources available, and lists the funded 21st CCLC programs.
SDSU Extension Service This site provides general information about Extension Services, but also provides links to Youth Development/4-H in South Dakota.
Region 1 ECSE – Early Childhood Connections Regional Early Childhood & School-age Enrichment website – office located in Rapid City. This office provides training, resources and technical assistance for out-of-school time programs in both western and southcentral South Dakota.
Region 2 ECSE – Early Childhood Training Network Regional Early Childhood & School-age Enrichment website – office located in Pierre. This office provides training, resources and technical assistance for child care programs in south central South Dakota. While no school-age specialist is on site, they work in tandem with Region 1 ECSE’s specialist.
Region 3 ECSE – Sanford Children’s C.H.I.L.D. Services This office provides training, resources, and technical assistance for out-of-school time programs in north central South Dakota.
Region 4 ECSE – Family Resource Network Regional Early Childhood & School-age Enrichment website – office located in Brookings. This office provides training, resources, and technical assistance for out-of-school time programs in NE and eastern South Dakota.
Region 5 ECSE – Sanford Children’s C.H.I.L.D. Services Regional Early Childhood & School-age Enrichment website – office located in Sioux Falls. This office provides training, resources, and technical assistance for out-of-school time programs in SE South Dakota.
SD Afterschool Network The SD Afterschool Network works to promote and advocate for quality afterschool programs in South Dakota.
The National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks – Now reaching 50 states, the statewide afterschool networks cultivate partnerships and initiatives that develop and support quality afterschool and summer learning opportunities for young people.
Afterschool Alliance Nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children.
National Institute of Out of School Time (NIOST) NIOST’s mission is to ensure that all children, youth, and families have access to high quality programs, activities, and opportunities during non-school hours. For nearly 30 years, the National Institute on Out-of-School Time at Wellesley College has moved the afterschool field forward through its research, education and training, consultation, and field-building.
Find Youth Info Find Youth Info is a one-stop website connecting the public, and particularly afterschool providers, to federal resources that support youth during out-of-school time.
The Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning at Foundations, Inc. provides professional development, technical assistance, tools and publications tailored to the unique world of afterschool, summer, and expanded day and year programs.