Afterschool Day at the Capitol – Memories Album
Due to weather issues, the 2005 Afterschool Day at the Capitol was cancelled. Scheduling conflicts prevented us from having the event in 2006.
2024 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
February 7th, 2024 – Capitol Rotunda
The Day at the Capitol starts with set-up at 8:00 am and tear down at 2:00 pm. Lunch can be purchased on-site.
Shelly Flack
120 E. Adams St. Suite 400
Rapid City, SD 57701
Or email this completed form to:
Phone (605) 341-5010
2020 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
Send your original work, poster, or application to Dawn Marie Johnson
400 West Sherman Ave
Summit SD, 57366
Or email at
Download Registration Form
- My favorite activity at my OST program 2020
- Policy Maker Invite 2020
- DAC Exhibit Requirements 2020
- k-1 Coloring
- What I want my State Legislators to know about my OST program
2019 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
Afterschool Day at the Capitol 2019
Each year during legislative session, OST programs converge on Pierre to participate in the annual SoDakSACA-sponsored “Afterschool Day at the Capitol”. Programs have booths highlighting what ‘after school programs’ are all about, and feature what their program provide the children in their own communities. Many amazing and productive conversations with great legislators and higher ups take place on this day!
February 6, 2019 – Capitol Rotunda
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Find out what other South Dakota children are doing after school! Enjoy refreshments while visiting with Afterschool professionals, State Legislators, and others!!!
Join us this year for the fun theme of” GAME ON”. Have your table highlighted with favorite games and how they educate! We will be inviting the legislature to come and see our tables and participate in some good hearted fun. We will be challenging them to take on the students of Summit County in a bottle flip challenge! All the while, we will be promoting the importance of our programs.
We always encourage students to submit original works that the legislators can come and see. Please consider the following:
- 4-5 grades – Write a paragraph or two starting with, “What I want my State Legislators to know about my OST program:
- 2-3 grades – Draw a picture and write 2-3 sentences about your favorite OST activity.
- K-1 – Color a picture of the SodakSaca logo
Choose 1-2 from each group and send to:
The Career Learning Center, ATT: Desmond Keller, 730 E. Watertown, Rapid City , SD 57701
2018 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
February 7, 2018 – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – Capitol Rotunda
2010 Afterschool Day at the Capitol a Huge Success!
Participating Programs were Rapid City Discovery Centers, Rapid City ; Kidscope, Watertown; South Dakota Afterschool Partnership, Sioux Falls; T.A.S.K. Tea After School Kids, Tea; HOPE Program, Newell; YMCA Kidstop Afterschool Program, Pierre; BFACC Oasis, Belle Fourche; Rustler Roost Education Center, Inc., Miller; and the Stanley County GOLD Program, Ft Pierre.
SoDak SACA would like to take this opportunity to recognize these programs for their hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to the advocating of the afterschool field not only for their program, but for all programs across the state.
2007 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
The Governor was present for a photo with the student ambassadors and all of the adults who helped make this event possible. The Governor also took time to sign pictures, t-shirts and collect trinkets from the children.
The Lieutenant Governor was also in attendance. Fifteen programs and thirteen student ambassadors participated in the Day at the Capitol. The wide variety of programs displayed a wonderful showcase of afterschool needs being meet across South Dakota. The participating programs included: Enemy Swim Day School Afterschool Program, BFACC Oasis, Boys and Girls Club of Pierre, Hands on Partnership (Dept Ed., State Library), Southern Hills OST and Preschool, Kids Inc.
Afterschool Enrichment Program, New Visions 21st CCLC, Ellsworth AFB., Wall After School Program, Newell HOPE Program, Wakpala 21st CCLC Afterschool Program, Totally Kids, Wessington Afterschool Program, Liberty Center Inc., and the Multi-Cultural Center ASP.
Afterschool Day at the Capitol raised public awareness of the importance in quality afterschool care. We hope the event had a positive impact on legislators, to vote in support of our youth and youth programming. We will be hosting this event again next year and hope to see more programs and new ideas.

The Governor waspresent for a photo with the student ambassadors.

Above Photo: Sisseton’s Westside AfterschoolProgram (left) & Lennox Totally Kids (right)

Event co-chairs for 2007 were Ryan Zens, Ellsworth AFB and Linda Merkwan, Kids Inc-Sioux Falls. (Photo left to right: Ryan Zens, SoDakSACA President Joan Severson, and Linda Merkwan)

Big smiles from the ‘boys’ from Wakpala 21st CCLC program!

Displays from So. Hills OST Program – Sioux Falls & Kids Inc.-Sioux Falls

Staff member and youth from the Multi-Cultural Center in Sioux Falls.

Governor Rounds Surrounded!Students and staff presented gifts to the Governorfrom their programs.

Display booth from Enemy Swim Day School

Ellsworth AFB Afterschool Programdisplay.

Governor Rounds signs an autographfor student at 2007 Afterschool Day at the Capitol.
2003 Afterschool Day at the Capitol

Governor Mike Rounds with students from the EBB program in Flandreau.
2002 Afterschool Day at the Capitol

Governor William Janklow
Governor William Janklow, a major supporter of afterschool program development in South Dakota, with students from the EBB program of Flandreau. The students were in costume as “Hugs and Kisses” and were handing out Hersheys candies to people who stopped at their booth.
2004 Afterschool Day at the Capitol
The day was spent visiting with the legislators and visitors to the Capitol about the need for quality school-age care.
The following organizations and programs were showcased: Club MORRE – Madison; Club E3 – Wessington; Cooperative Extension Youth Development/4-H – Brookings; YWCA KIDS’ KLUB – Mitchell; Mobridge CARE; Wakpala 21st CCLC; Multi-cultural After-school Program – Sioux Falls; HOPE Program – Newell; EBB – Flandreau; Boys & Girls Club – Pierre; and Boys & Girls Club of the Yankton Sioux – Wagner.

2004 Afterschool Day at the Capitol

2004 Afterschool Day at the Capitol

Great shot of the rotunda, and some of the exhibit booths participating in 2004!

Nice shot of our SoDakSACA booth!
2001 Afterschool Day at the Capitol – Our Very First!
Several OST programs from throughout the state were represented at the event, and many state legislators came down to the rotunda to visit the booths.
Governor Bill Janklow and Senator Tom Daschle surprised the group by visiting the booths, and posing for numerous pictures. A big highlight of the day!
Governor Bill Janklow began a statewide initiative in 1997 with the Office of Child Care Services to help develop and support afterschool programs in South Dakota.

Billie Jo Bakeberg & Lori Laughlin

Senator Tom Daschle posing with Marcie Reagan & students of the YMCA Bridges Program in Aberdeen.

Governor Bill Janklow posing with the Deadwood and Belle Fourche JAM programs.

Governor Bill Janklow posing with students from the Flandreau EBB program. Student at right is a nephew of Senator Sutton, and expressed to Governor Janklow “I’d think I’d like to be Governor some day”.